
Complete Simple Tasks For Rewards Earn Profit Automatically Using Bots Buy / Sell Crypto Trading Bots
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Bitget, CryptoExchange & Copy Trading Platform


Bitget is a trustworthy crypto exchange providing services like Copy trading, Spot trading and Futures trading since 2018.

Bitget Services

  • Copy Trading
  • Spot Trading
  • Futures Trading

Copy Trading

Using copy trading, you can choose and follow elite traders and start making profit without any hard work. Also, it offers you with some useful insights to help make smarter financial decisions yourself.

Bitget - Copy Trading
Bitget - Copy Trading

Its worth mentioning that Bitget Copy Trading service has made over $430,000,000+ realized PnL so far!

How to get started with Copy Trading ?

You can find an elite trader and let them guide you through the up and downs of market

Select traders
Select from a list of more than 80,000 skilled traders. Each trader comes with clear and transparent trading history which you can check beforehand. Also, you can filter the traders list using profit and loss amounts or return on investments.
Set your parameters
Customize your copy trading by defining what trading pairs you would like to copy, and how much the amount of your orders should be. Also, you can configure the Take Profit (TP) and Stop Loss (SL) prices according to your needs.
Start copying
Once your parameters are in place, seamlessly replicate the real-time buying and selling actions of elite traders, and adjust anything necessary to fine tune your parameters later.

Bot Copy Trading

In addition to spot and futures copy trading mentioned above, bitget also offers Bot Copy Trading services which we are going to compare and help you find out which one suits you best:

Futures Copy Trading Bot Copy Trading
Free Access to following a skilled futures trader without any cost, and copy all their futures orders seamlessly in various trading pairs
Subscribe to a strategist to gain access to all of ther bots for 30 days, or buy a single bot from an strategist and deploy it on your own without any time limit.
Free to start, but you will automatically pay up to 10% of your profits to the elite trader that your following. you have to pay a fixed amount of subscription fee for accessing the bots and getting started. But you wont pay any percentage of your profit later.
Additional Income tip:
If you are an experienced trader, you can create your own copy trading bot and sell it on the market for up to 30 USDT!

Bitget Protection Fund

Other than Proof of Reserves, Bitget saves some funds as an additional safeguard against potential online threats. If anyone faces unexpected situations aleading to money losses from events which are beyond their control and not related to their trading strategies, they can file a claim to get their financial loss back.

The Bitget Protection Fund is currently valued at US$350 million, from a sum of 120 million USDT + 6.500 BTC.


Sign up to claim a welcome pack of 1,000 USDT.

New User Tasks

Complete these tasks after registration to get reward points, which you can redeem for cash rewards. Unlike many other cryptocurrency exchanges, these tasks are realistic and easy to achieve by most traders.

Bitget - New User Tasks
Bitget - Redeem Points

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Bitget, Crypto Exchange & Copy Trading Platform

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